This can also be opened as a separate nightclub venue.
The arcade originally consisted of two parallel rows of shops, although one of these has now been converted into a nightclub venue.
This started in March 2009, with a concert at the Stratford Rex, a nightclub venue.
He was also an integral part of The Lyons Group which owns and operates more than 30 nightclub venues on the East coast.
It would be the only nightclub venue the modest Stafford ever played.
He recorded his CD Just In Time and played jazz in all the nightclub venues.
This has involved the demolition of all the sections that were added to make a nightclub venue, revealing the original courtyard that had become hidden.
The video features Farrow performing the song on a stage in a nightclub venue, where backing musicians are also featured in parts, as well as dancers.
The Wayout is a nightclub venue in London.
Despite recent demographic shifts Brunswick still has a number of nightclub venues that cater to specific ethnic groups such as Italians, Greeks and Lebanese.