The tuberose is a night-blooming plant thought to be native to Mexico along with every other species of Polianthes.
There aren't too many night-blooming plants that grow well up here.
There were many sorts of night-blooming plants here, and paths that were broad, with turf as smooth and soft as a carpet.
Moondials are very closely associated with lunar gardening (night-blooming plants) and some comprehensive gardening books may mention them.
The night-blooming scented plants are in that corner.
Likewise, her elegant imagery ("Age must sing its own voluntary, in a chorus of one") has a tendency to overdress itself: "that night-blooming plant of our era, carbon monoxide."
There was a pathway leading from the road, lit by a succession of dimly-glowing blossoms of some night-blooming plant.
But you can have a fragrant garden that's low on bees by using night-blooming plants.
Lesser long-nosed bats feed mainly on nectar from night-blooming plants such as saguaro, Organ Pipe Cactus, as well as century plant and other agaves.
A common name for several night-blooming plants, some with white flowers, including: