In addition, during the summer there are also guided night tours.
Tickets should be booked two weeks or more in advance - especially for the popular night tour - so plan your escape now.
The two-hour night tour, $25, will include refreshments and music; reservations are required.
See their website for information on 'haunted' night tours and live performances.
Start your evening with a panoramic night tour of the city, where you will see all the famous Roman sites lit up!
An interesting 2 hour night tour where guides explain the legends behind the major sites in the city center.
Doroftei took them on a night tour of the capital.
To liven up the night tour, about 25 actors play supporting roles.
"The department has always been concerned that the newer officers would be assigned to the night tour by seniority basis," he said.
The cemetery is site of legends and night tours.