With nifty features, a strong safety rating, a versatile interior and an attractive base price, the Caliber makes a lot of sense.
The Gizmo isn't the only nifty feature at this cabin with relatively low-tech genes.
Otherwise, Travelfacts operates smoothly and is full of nifty features.
The browser, released in 2001, was easy to use, and had some nifty new features.
The airlines have financial incentives to keep putting nifty new features on their Web sites.
As you will soon find out, some are clearly better than others while others come bundled with nifty features that can really make your day.
Other nifty features, like the automatic updating of games in progress, also will not work with older browsers.
The software does have one nifty feature, however: Parents can freeze a particularly frustrating game and store it for another day and a clearer head.
Among its nifty features are classic wire wheels a little larger than a dime, made from 11 different pieces.
So far, however, analysts who have seen previews of Go say that despite a few nifty features, it does not seem to be anything special.