Here's a video that nicely demonstrates the problem, and also shows why crude oil is such a problem for birds.
The Southwestern style, with chipotle sauce, nicely demonstrates that you can grill the chicken with virtually no flavorings at all, serving it with a dipping or other sauce, or just lemon wedges for that matter.
That demonstrates nicely why literary prizes need well-read, expert, qualified judging panels.
You can nicely demonstrate convection by sprinkling a little sawdust atop water in a beaker.
As Price nicely demonstrates, pies and "pigeon years" became part of the biographies of those who enjoyed them, a defining New World act.
Luminous examples at Guild Hall nicely demonstrate Betty Parsons's success with using organic forms based on marine life or mythology to suggest universal subject matter and to invent a surface based on shifting, resonant abstraction.
But though tradition is important here, it isn't everything, as La Mora demonstrates nicely.
In many ways, Paige was ahead of his time, as Tye nicely demonstrates in this engaging and insightful but uneven book.
This recording offers three of his song cycles, nicely demonstrating his skill at choosing texts and matching them to music.
This turned out to be quite fortuitous for scholars of Athabaskan comparative linguistics, as Lower Tanana nicely demonstrated a split in the Proto-Athabaskan *ts- series which was not evidenced in Hoijer's data.