How he ranks himself, he says, "is hard to answer; so I just really take it as a nice compliment and try to move on."
But to have some older veterans say that about you, that's a nice compliment.
We've received some very nice compliments from people who seem to know quite a lot about it.
People sometimes say to me that I'm the inspirational teacher they've always wanted to have, so that's a nice compliment.
She liked this better than the hands: "That's a real nice compliment, isn't it?"
It was one of the nicest compliments she had ever received.
They had come out on the terrace, and paid her nice compliments.
It was a very nice compliment to both of us.
That was the nicest compliment she could have had from him.
We do get some nice compliments on our disguises, but no more than that.