After all he's courted publicity for all he's worth, so by his logic has he made his family a newsworthy story.
Or maybe you could find an accredited journalist, surely this is a newsworthy story.
Gwynnie's murder had warranted two paragraphs on a back page; it was hardly a newsworthy story outside the confines of the county.
Early worries that picture availability would make a story newsworthy in itself on TV did not persist.
No matter that an equally newsworthy but less telegenic story - the search for arsonists - had risen from the ashes.
This is a fascinating and newsworthy story.
A seasoned publicist knows how to present a newsworthy story in a way that suggests editorial coverage in a certain direction.
Give me newsworthy stories and not idle worthless gossip, Please!!!
Again, I thought this was a newsworthy story that I hadn't seen anywhere else.
Remember that the general public is looking for newsworthy stories.