To the Editor: Perhaps the most newsworthy event last week was not reported by you.
Typically, the latter half of the summer is slow in terms of newsworthy events.
The completion of a single picture turned into a newsworthy event.
The person appointed having the responsibility of keeping check on newsworthy events within the school and checking that the press are informed.
Or are there other means by which the media learn of newsworthy events?
The excuse can hardly be that the news media have failed to report those good and newsworthy events.
This newsworthy event made the cover of Life on March 31, 1952.
But the press were reluctant to allow such an entertaining and newsworthy event to come to an end.
An armed response by police to an incident will often be considered a newsworthy event by the media.
Monday through Thursday's shows would focus on interviews with subjects close to a particular newsworthy event or issue.