To increase newspaper sales, Luther is assigned to spend the night in the house on the 20th anniversary of the murders.
In the last five years, newspaper sales in Brazil have jumped 9.5 percent.
The new change did not increase the newspaper sales, and after few months, it ended.
All are published by a local independent publishing house, bucking the trend in declining newspaper sales.
Now he's ready to count orange trees, not newspaper sales.
Worried that radio might interfere with newspaper sales, the Scripps family invested in the new medium.
Radio gave an added forum to express the opinions of the owners and resulted in increased newspaper sales.
Health care benefits were preserved by a deal that postponed the repeal of a 6 percent tax on newspaper sales.
While web traffic has increased markedly, newspaper sales have dropped across the board as people's viewing habits change.
Israeli newspaper sales have also declined across the board, largely due to the internet.