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Many of the names had become so unwieldy that they took up three lines of type in newspaper listings.
He discovered the Overlook in a newspaper listing six years ago, and has been making the 75-minute trip ever since.
Web sites that post film information hope to draw moviegoers away from newspaper listings and capture a parallel share of those studio budgets.
Besides using newspaper listings, the states try to trace the owners through driver's licenses and other local records.
Most viewers are still relying on low technology, like local newspaper listings, to get them through prime time.
"A responsible parent right now cannot find these programs, not in TV Guide, not in their newspaper listings," he said.
Check newspaper listings for programs.
Electronic classifieds also have the advantage of offering graphics, audio and video clips, color photographs and other features that traditional newspaper listings do not include.
The claim is mostly anecdotal, but the proliferation of special museum additions and a check of newspaper listings attest to increased borrowing.
I don't miss that phenomenon (which, for the truly nostalgic, can be re-enacted quite often if one relies on newspaper listings of schedules).