This attitude made her the target of frequent ridicule in newspaper commentary and editorial cartoons.
The blog itself, and his newspaper commentary, gained him notoriety during his time in local television.
Selections from German and international newspaper commentaries are interspersed in the morning, noon, and midnight news magazines.
The public sentiment was subtly reflected in some newspaper commentaries.
But in newspaper commentaries and other forums in which they defended Wal-Mart's actions, the groups consistently failed to disclose their ties to the retailer.
Steamboat operations were still irregular and unsatisfactory to the general public, as shown by a newspaper commentary of the day:
Following are excerpts from newspaper commentaries in Europe after the inauguration of President Bush.
One newspaper commentary said the survey was a healthy sign of Poland's looking forward.
And the German response to it, whether in newspaper commentaries or in informal discussions, has been generally hostile.
The Obama campaign called the allegation a "smear", citing newspaper commentaries critical of Palin's attack.