Its focus is in the creation of local news and information web sites, and was formed in alliance with over 25 newspapers affiliated with Advance Publications Inc.
Each association offers different membership options for newspapers, organizations and individuals affiliated with the industry.
In Pitt News case, for instance, you struck down a Pennsylvania statute that barred paid alcohol advertisements in newspapers affiliated with colleges and universities.
Southern Metropolis Daily, another newspaper affiliated with Southern Daily, criticized Kong Qingdong's involvement in the affairs.
In 2000 XXI Vek and SolDat, newspapers affiliated with the Republican People's Party of Kazakhstan, were shut down.
The Blowing Rocket has the distinction of being the last newspaper affiliated with the National Press Association to charge 10 cents for an individual copy.
In its wake, Clark was one of the founders of The Midnight Special, a newspaper affiliated with the National Lawyers Guild.
Avvenire is an Italian daily newspaper affiliated with the Roman Catholic Church.
Magyar Nemzet, a newspaper affiliated with the opposition party Fidesz, revealed in 2002 that Medgyessy had acted as a counterespionage officer under the code name D-209 in the III.
The rival Columbus Citizen had been founded in 1899 as an independent newspaper not affiliated with a political party.