He was returned for the newly unified constituency, and held it through 1880.
It was the first election conducted in the newly unified Yemeni state.
There is also a consensus that the interim Government should be led by a newly unified political opposition.
Through her food, it seems, she indulged memories brought closer by a newly unified Germany.
Throughout the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the company became one of the most prominent brewing companies in the newly unified Italian nation.
Newly unified Italy adopted the lira on a similar basis in 1862.
These would make her the first major musician to visit the newly unified and apartheid free nation following Mandela's winning election.
Americans can watch with interest, not alarm, as 60 million Germans choose a government in a newly unified country now pulling out of economic doldrums.
Their familial tumults and tragedies are set in the newly unified Germany.
In 1860 it was annexed to the newly unified Kingdom of Italy.