The high school was newly remodeled (as of 2005) and the cougar statue in front of the school was donated by an artist in Magnolia.
A chapel dedicated to St. Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer, the Founder of Opus Dei, was built in 2002 in newly remodeled lower level.
Newly remodeled and doubled in size, the Radisson has a 12-story tower, minisuites with kitchens, two pools and one of the town's few beach bars.
When Bart mentioned that he thought it would be fun to learn to swim, they took him to the newly remodeled and enlarged pool.
Crown International Campground - Former PTL campgrounds - newly remodeled.
The place looked and smelled newly remodeled.
The store moved again in 1967 to the corner of sixth and Pine Streets in the Heffernan Building, newly remodeled by architects Herbert Sobel and Richard Bouillon.
Newly remodeled enlisted quarters of 1891 held fifteen-man squad rooms with iron bed frames, hair mattresses, white sheets, blue service blankets, and well-filled pillows.
Clifton 172,000 129 Edgewood Avenue 3-bedroom, 1-bath, 44-year-old newly remodeled colonial; deck, full basement; $2,756.
Lambertville $139,900 20 Lincoln Avenue 3-bedroom, 2-bath, 68-year-old ranch; family room with cathedral ceiling, deck, newly remodeled; taxes $1,479.