There is a newly paved, oversized parking lot that runs alongside the Ganatchio Trail, and both are located directly across the street from the beach itself.
This section was really bad until fall 2005, when it was newly paved on 12 km.
At one end of the road is Jennings Beach, where a parking lot has been newly paved and turned into an area just for in-line skaters.
In recent years the runway was extended and newly paved.
There was no clock, but the parking lot looked newly paved.
The road from Poipet to Siem Reap is newly paved and sealed as of 2013.
The empty streets looked newly paved and the houses were all a little larger than she'd expected.
Before the game, a parade formed on newly paved Ligonier Street.
Hi The road from Villazon to Tupiza is newly paved, not sure about the bit onto Uyuni.
Hassan Mohammed, a 56-year-old father of six children, sat on the newly paved Luxor Street playing dominoes with a group of men.