On 1 April 1966, the division's resources were absorbed by the newly activated Seventh Air Force.
Unfortunately, the newly activated brain cells are destroyed by close proximity to the Flash's superspeed vibrations.
For Q1 2010, an estimated 305,000 newly activated zombie PCs were brought online each day for malicious activity.
However, the group's first operational squadrons, the 11th, the newly activated 13th, and the 22d Observation Squadrons were not assigned until the following month.
With all those newly activated Android handsets, many newbies will have explored Google + helping to explain the huge increase in visits.
Mission taken over by the newly activated 467th Air Expeditionary Group.
A Facebook fan page is also newly activated.
Captain Hawkstone suddenly broke in over the newly activated PA system.
The six newly activated brigades will be designed as separate independent brigades, without division-level commands.
At Takhli, the squadron was under the control of the newly activated 355th TFW.