The duel lasted long into the morning, for even with Eragon's newfound skill, Vanir was still a formidable opponent.
He had devised a complicated plan of attack involving feints and counterfeints and was eager to try out his newfound military skills.
They learn quickly, but their newfound skills are put the test when tragedy strikes.
As Macro stumbled through such tests of his newfound skill as 'rampart', 'sentry' and 'javelin', Cato was consumed by anxiety.
With his strong left arm and some bowling videos of other famous bowlers, he sets off to conquer the bowling alleys with his newfound skill and his dirty hijinks.
He takes it upon himself to learn how to read and learn all he can, but at times, this newfound skill torments him.
Wilbur sings a song about his newfound linguistical skills, while waking up some of the other farm animals with his middle of the night excitement.
There is an unwanted side effect to Mr. Burgos's newfound culinary skills, though.
She credits her newfound skill to an unlikely source: three months of playing Wii bowling, a Nintendo video game.