The father and daughter embark on a newfound friendship, discussing Bosinney and her half-siblings.
With the newfound friendship comes personal growth for her as she deviates from the stubborn attitude she has when she is first introduced.
She was also unable to include Ian and Tokage's newfound friendship in the manga since the plot focused on the relationship between Ian and Rin.
Abed begs her to take him back, observing that their newfound friendship is good for Abed but bad for Jeff.
Both Loy and Oi Lin's families misunderstand the newfound friendship as romance and begin discussing wedding banquet arrangements.
The president had a few lighter moments - he made a joke about his father's newfound friendship with former President Bill Clinton.
Yet Mallory didn't think the change was solely due to her mother's newfound friendship with Gustav.
Often, on their walks, Irina forgot why she was there and, for a brief time, would luxuriate in her newfound friendship.
Randy, it turned out, had worked alongside her on both days, which explained their "newfound friendship."
To commemorate this newfound friendship between our people, I wish to leave you with more than words for future contemplation.