How long you wait to be on TV also varies, although newcomers tend to get preference.
An economic analysis prepared for the Nevada governor in 2002 showed that newcomers tend to be significantly worse off financially than other Nevadans.
Dr. Johnson also said that newcomers "tend to drive rates down" for all and then can leave the field if it is no longer profitable.
It was a tribute to her standing, and her reputation for social observation, that in her later years newcomers tended to come to her.
Many newcomers tend to be conservative.
The newcomers tend to be individualists, but are known to run in packs.
The newcomers tended to go where the IT firms were located which were not necessarily in Dublin.
The newcomers do tend to change the neighborhood.
Instead the newcomers tend to evaluate the farm worker and the other villagers on the basis of urban criteria for allocating prestige.
The newcomers, the report found, also tended to be younger than other derelicts.