For the small, newborn creatures had resembled human ... human!
The book ends as Valentine wonders whether the newborn creature has a soul, or if it's already a mindless killing machine.
There was no sign of that horrific newborn creature with its weeping sores although its shrill cries still rang in his ears.
As the novice insect, she was like a newborn creature, bewildered and collapsing into a pile of her own bones.
I felt as dazed and shy and tremble-legged as any other newborn creature.
When Victor saw the creature come to life he fled the apartment, though the newborn creature approached him, as a child would a parent.
When they suddenly hatch and it seems likely that the newborn creatures will not grow up to be friendly, an American special operations unit steps in.
She heard a surprisingly strong cry and then fast snuffling sounds as the newborn creature began to breathe.
The ballet shows a newborn female creature - referred to as the Novice in the program - growing up and becoming increasingly lethal.
A lamb is a newborn creature.