On the same day, a female elephant brought her newborn calf to the royal palace.
It looked just like a newborn calf getting up for the first time in its life.
They sometimes kill newborn calves if they do not get on their feet quickly enough.
The presence of 16 nearly newborn calves means the kill was likely in late May or early July.
"I've been walking for fifteen hours and I'm weak as a newborn calf."
Later on we got a couple of newborn calves, a male and a female.
And now was what mattered, she decided, as she watched a newborn calf begin to nurse for the first time.
Nearby, a healthy newborn calf is bottle fed by the children of guests.
Two newborn calves, Kenny and Bonnie, will make their first walk into the big town.
She had seen newborn calves even this past week.