His daughter was now a widow with a newborn boy and a year-old girl.
The use of circumcision in newborn boys for medical or health reasons is an issue that continues to be debated.
A newborn boy was found yesterday tied inside a plastic bag in the lobby of a Brooklyn apartment house.
However, the newborn boy has long hair on his back which is seen as strange.
In 2002 118 newborn boys were named Folke, of them 15 as main name.
Am up most nights with my newborn boy and colic, so at least tonight we have something interesting to see us through the long night!
The mother of a newborn boy left for dead outside a church in the Bronx was identified by the police last night as a 13-year-old girl.
His words were drowned out by Sela's scream combined with that of her newborn boy.
In another, adults rate a newborn boy as stronger and more active than the girl.
The newborn boy was given the name of Philip.