Using this new-found skill, Reavis began producing passes to avoid the drudgery of army life and instead spent time visiting his mother.
Some 20 participants from 14 community radio stations attended the workshop, and are now waiting for the legislation which would enable them to put their new-found skills into practice.
Given the opportunity, many more would doubtless welcome the chance to exercise their new-found skills in the context of church services.
I even began to enjoy my weekly visits to Whitechapel, where I would be given the chance to show off my new-found skills.
After positioning the wad in my cheek I sat around waiting for the hit, feeling smug with my new-found anthropological skills.
He trained in desktop publishing and combined his enthusiastic work ethic with new-found skills in a burgeoning industry.
It then used these new-found skills to intimidate and terrorise the Cambodian people.
For Jake, the dimming evening light and invitation to play tennis with his brothers couldn't compete with his new-found skill at bike riding.
Red Wolf used his new-found great skills and prowess to promote peace between the white and Native American peoples.
Claire is a jovial woman who clearly relishes her new-found skills.