But this new watchdog has no jurisdiction over the auditors working for governments.
Broadcasting Standards Council Broadcasters accept they have to live with the new watchdog.
While cynics see some political grandstanding, they concede that many of the new watchdogs are really trying to help average Americans.
Of course, the fact that he'd seen no evidence of new watchdogs proved nothing.
Belfast Telegraph newspaper, 18 July 2008, "Will new watchdog make polluters pay for ruining rivers?"
The new nuclear watchdog would function directly under the Ministry of the Environment.
After a year of arguments, a new corporate watchdog, the Australian Securities Commission, came into being.
Advocacy groups have welcomed reports that the US government plans to boost the policing of online privacy with new laws and a new watchdog.
Another major Government reform saw the creation of Ofqual, a new independent watchdog set up to vet exams and qualifications.
The young woman putting away her gun in spite of her suspicions spoke volumes for the efficiency of the new watchdogs.