Visit her in the new showroom one minute from Harrods.
Unlike some automakers, she said, the company is not offering any financial help to add a new showroom.
Her show last week, in her new showroom, was small but revealed great promise.
It plans to open 400 new showrooms to increase its size to 1,000 odd retail stores by the end of the fiscal year 2010-11.
So what we want is for you guys to come back here three months from now and open our new showroom for us.
But I'm about to do my new showroom in Mission.
More than 100 new showrooms opened in the Mart this year.
They were looking into the new showroom which Maury had built.
The new showrooms removed the old, and the store is open 24/7.
It is to include a new showroom, a parking garage, five restaurants and more casino space.