As recently as 1994, the board's central administration had 5,407 employees; after the new reductions are completed, that number will drop below 2,000, he said.
If that first round of cuts were combined with the new reductions he has requested, the impact could be severe.
Moreover, the new reduction only brings the project back to the original size proposed in 2003.
The new reductions come on top of an earlier $100 million cut ordered in late November.
For a single filer earning $50,000, the new reduction would translate into a saving of $208.
In those circumstances, presumably the Administration would seek new reductions of the dollar's value.
The new reductions bring Mexico's cutbacks so far this year to $3.7 billion, closely matching its lost oil revenue.
As a result of these new reductions, the cable networks and others may pick up the slack.
There was no new reduction for the Fire Department.
Those new reductions, in addition to the 592 jobs cut in the last three years, would reduce the agency's total work force to 3,592 from 4,384.