As we went to press, a pair of new pandas was reportedly due to arrive from China in early 2011.
There's a state-of-the-art Nashville Zoo, with new red panda and pink flamingo exhibits.
It was then used as a publicity song for the new panda exhibit that had opened at the zoo on April 1, 2011.
Two new giant pandas arrived from the Chinese Wolong Nature Reserve in February 2011.
Mr. Liu recalled the panda diplomacy of the Nixon years and said he hoped the new pandas would promote "friendship between the peoples of these two great nations."
They could just stick some bamboo in his paws, return him to his old cage, and claim they had received a new panda.
Now two new pandas, Tian Tian and Mei Xiang, have arrived; their $2 million home opens on Wednesday.
Dr. Conway said a special fee that zoo visitors paid to to see the pandas had generated more than $500,000 that is being used to build one of the new panda breeding facilities in China.
The Ueno Zoo is reportedly consulting the Japanese Foreign Ministry about obtaining a new panda from China.
Is the giant squid the new giant panda?