For this new litter, I provide a shoulder to cry on, a lap to rest on and a back to share the burden.
They are weaned at around four weeks, by which time the mother is often ready to produce a new litter.
If they are not neutered, new litters will soon be on the way.
And Pippin's mom needs her help with their new litter.
There, it gives birth to a new litter, including a new white rat.
"Did you hear about the Bradys' new litter of puppies?"
And each fertile female can theoretically produce a new litter, averaging 10 young, every 45 to 50 days.
You'd be better advised to pop home, and take a look at that new litter of yours.
From the Ruling Pack on down to the newest litter of cubs, we will fight you.
There is a new litter just birthed out in the mews.