The new lender will charge its legal expenses to you.
The private lenders new this, and in fact arranged it, so they could lend the money.
Contemplation by a new lender to provide a loan on the subject real estate.
The new lenders bring something besides money with them: the potential for great volatility.
The new lenders typically step to the front of the line in priority for repayment.
Some also foresee debt-collection problems for the new lenders when farmers run into hard times.
They earn $50,000 to $60,000 a year and are the new lenders' biggest customers.
She added, though, that this might not be true if you refinanced with a new lender.
Why don't they simply offer to reduce the interest rate, and thus not force borrowers to scramble around looking for a new lender?
Typically, 50 percent has been the cut-off line above which it was impossible to interest a new lender.