He knows, too, how to bridge the gap between these two sorts of Democrat, old and new.
The new gap comes with budget prospects worsening for the state, from which the city is hoping to get some relief.
Dealing with the new gaps might require a reduction of 35,000 to 40,000 to bring the budget into structural balance.
Assuming that the process will be expensive - at least in the beginning - it could create a new gap between classes.
However, Wood's subsequent movement actually opened up a new, division-sized gap in the line.
He turned and through the new gap they were coming-so many.
There were new gaps in the circle of trees that surrounded it.
But, as if to compensate for this, new gaps continued to form elsewhere.
Here our aim really is to fill a new gap with social fund measures.
Right now, we're on the verge of a new gap.