And his book heightens a welcome new fascination with Motown's glory days.
Forgetting, in this powerful new fascination, his claustrophobic need to get out, Gardener walked slowly toward the wall.
In the meantime, interest in saving for retirement has spread a new fascination with investing.
With time, the House has taken on a new patina and a new fascination.
"Not exactly," admitted Bobbi, seeming to find her lower fingernails objects of new fascination.
The down side to this new fascination with numbers is that the tail seems to be wagging the dog.
He looked at Lord of the Flies with new fascination.
But it is in the marketing, not the actual products, that the industry's new fascination with youth comes through.
The story reflects the 19th century's new fascination with the East.
Yet to her each new day had some new fascination.