The district has increased enrollment slightly from the program, but has limited growth in the past because the rural district has limited capacity for new enrollees.
The Independence and Working Families parties soaked up some of the new enrollees.
As a result, enrollment has slacked considerably, dropping from a high of 32,371 new enrollees in the city in May to an expected 2,000 in September.
Of the 50 states, 17 reported that there were currently no carriers selling child only health plans to new enrollees.
Since 2000, fully 92 percent of new enrollees have not made a choice and have been added to the default fund.
Minnesota's Medicaid enrollment is expected to increase by 163,000 new enrollees.
"Many new enrollees are facing sticker shock," says Joseph F. Hurley, the founder of, a Web site devoted to college savings vehicles.
No new program would be created, and federal and state governments will pay most of the costs for new enrollees.
The remainder of the new enrollees are 17,740 high school students who signed up for enrichment classes over the last week, Mr. Levy said.
Proactively distribute it to new arrivals and new enrollees.