With every generation, a new cohort of children begins the journey from ignorance to knowledge.
But the new cohorts felt much less keenly the social conditions from which the class alignment arose in the first place.
Discovering and naming a new cohort of voters is one thing; actually getting them to vote for you isn't quite so easy.
Nevertheless, the weak economy has made the road to small-business success more difficult for the new cohort of black entrepreneurs.
By the time he and his new cohorts had arrived at the party, the restaurant was already packed.
But now a new cohort of New Yorkers is starting to move in.
It was a strange thought, but the new cohorts were expected the following dawn and the fort would come back to life then.
The racketeer had arrived with new cohorts to replace his former minions.
In fact, as each new cohort comes along, the age at which kids choose their own clothes has gone down.
A new cohort of fat people - literally called the "superobese" - has emerged in the medical literature.