As she opened her eyes she saw her new cellmate staring down at her.
With this new cellmate she was stuck in some kind of alternative universe where people ate cucumber sandwiches and played by the rules.
Pablo (Diego Torres), his new cellmate, hardly knows how to read or write and he definitely doesn't play chess.
He is greeted by his new cellmate, Jake (Guirgis), a veteran prisoner serving a life sentence.
Then he swung his legs over the side of the bunk, and looked at his new cellmate for the first time.
He has a new cellmate, Ali, who tries to reach out to Bobby.
She tells him she has managed to acquire him a new cellmate who the FBI need a confession from.
While in prison, Juliette is given a new cellmate by the name of Adam Kent.
Inmate Vern Schillinger offers to be his new cellmate.
Ogle turned to greet his new cellmate.