Google is hoping the established brand will bring new cachet to its oft-forgotten Places service.
"Tin Cup" has such unexpected flair that the game takes on new cachet, to the point where even golf clothes look good.
Even the National Pork Board has taken note of the pig's new cachet.
In their strategy for giving tea a new cachet, manufacturers and distributors have begun a wide variety of promotions, almost all aimed at young adults.
His imprimatur is sure to lend new cachet to supermarket art - and increased value to his own tacky cache.
Brooklyn and Queens, too, have taken on new cachet, as places both to live and to visit.
The new cachet of direct-to-video might also be expected to please independent film makers whose movies usually go theaterless, but that is not necessarily the case.
Canadian whiskies are given new cachet, and the thriving whisky industry in Japan is examined.
Traditional publishers hint that despite their new cachet, open access publications aren't sustainable in the long run.
Oddly enough, the publicity and curiosity about Presidential calls have given them new cachet among the most generous Democratic contributors.