And perhaps the most frustrating experience of building a start-up is the never-ending quest for financing.
It's part of our never-ending quest to make things better, easier and more c-onvenient.
They can be helpful in your never-ending quest for justice against some nasty mark who has wronged you.
A couple of damaged idealists on a never-ending quest to find something to believe in.
This makes science a never-ending quest, and technology a matter of solving the problems posed by earlier solutions.
He'd annoyed most of the rest, thanks to his never-ending quest for condoms- Well, he wouldn't need those anymore, it seemed.
"It drives people crazy that are close to me," she said of her never-ending quest for perfection.
I have expanded my shed in the never-ending quest to find my place.
That life is a never-ending quest to overcome partial views.
IN the never-ending quest for computing convenience, we recently found three products especially useful.