It is the quest of our ego that drives us along the eternal and never-ending journey we must all explore.what am I?
"Rändajad", with a remarkable oriental flame to it, tells a story of never-ending nomadic journeys through the sand deserts.
To all, thank you for sharing your light and sharing this never-ending journey of love and life hand-in-hand.
Hercules, bemused, continues on his never-ending journey.
From that point on, Paz embarked on what seemed like a never-ending journey to find his destiny.
Now, I never envy travelers on never-ending journeys.
Apollinaire tells us, face to face, about the never-ending journey with an uncertain ending.
Life will cease being a trip toward mortality and instead will become a never-ending journey.
In another twenty seconds it was away on its never-ending journey.
His overarching theme is that history is "a constantly evolving, never-ending journey of discovery."