According to Norwegian neutrality regulations, government ships operated by the warring parties were not allowed to enter a number of strategically important Norwegian ports.
Any neutrality regulations passed by Congress this year are likely to have a similarly dismal future.
They knew nothing of neutrality regulations.
The crew was faced with the problem that neutrality regulations forbade the bringing of prizes into British waters.
Speaking before the Media Institute in Virginia on Tuesday, the leading voice of the cable industry challenged the idea that net neutrality regulations enhance free speech.
The basic premise of neutrality regulation is already being proposed for other layers of the Internet-and not just by AT&T in retaliation.
The subtext here is that de la Vega believes net neutrality regulation for wireless networks just won't work.
Microsoft, along with many other companies, have also taken a stance in support of neutrality regulation.
He says: "The supporters of net neutrality regulation believe that more rules are necessary.
By late 2005, net neutrality regulations were included in several Congressional draft bills, as a part of ongoing proposals to reform the Telecommunications Act of 1996.