He then moved to another leading neuroscience laboratory, that of Dr. Susumu Tonegawa at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
The more general task of INCF is to provide conditions for developing convenient and flexible applications for neuroscience laboratories in order to improve our knowledge about the human brain and its disorders.
Vollum's innate interest in science also drew him to the neuroscience laboratories at the Oregon Health and Science University (OHSU) where he knew his oscilloscope could be applied to healthcare research.
From age 20 to 70, the average brain loses about 10 percent of its mass, said Dr. Stanley Rapoport, chief of the neuroscience laboratory at the National Institute on Aging in Bethesda, Md.
It is for this reason that I visited the neuroscience laboratory of Dr. Richard Davidson at the University of Wisconsin.
These awards subsidize travel expenses to attend the Annual Meeting, along with a short visit to an established neuroscience laboratory in North America.
He is a fellow in a neuroscience laboratory at Rockefeller University.
After graduation he obtained a travel grant in order to further his studies in Europe, where he worked in the best neuroscience laboratories, Cornelius Ariens Kappers's and the Vogts' among them.
In 1989 she either fell in with the wrong crowd or started listening to her parents (depending upon whose version of the story one listens to) and took a few premedical courses while conducting research in the neuroscience laboratory.
To explain this concept, Dr. Chalmers first described the so-called easy problems of consciousness, the sorts of questions being tackled in neuroscience laboratories around the world: How does sensory information get integrated in the brain?