Local Field Potentials can be used to test the noise present in large neuronal networks.
"Long term behavior of lithographically prepared in vitro neuronal networks".
This technique would also be useful in the study of neuronal networks.
Table 1 is based on this for neuronal networks.
Previously in medical science, the neuronal network was considered the only important one, and astrocytes were looked upon as gap fillers.
Brooks describes the human brain as dependent on what he calls "scouts" running through a deeply complex neuronal network.
The idea of quantum coherent waves in the neuronal network derives from Frohlich.
This theory suggests that the cortical field not only interacts with the neuronal network, but also to a good extent controls it.
There is much controversy in the field of neuroscience surrounding whether or not a cultured neuronal network can learn.
Homeostatic plasticity in neuronal networks: the more things change, the more they stay the same.