Crohn's disease can also cause neurological complications (reportedly in up to 15% of patients).
In 2000, the country feared for his life again when he suffered neurological complications and continued breathing problems.
Involvement of the spine and skull base may cause a poor outcome from neurological complications.
However, according to the doctors, his condition was "stable without neurological complications."
The Katzes spent about $500,000 trying to save their daughter, who suffered from mysterious neurological complications.
Neural tissue vaccines also carry a certain risk of neurological complications.
Risks of surgery include neurological complications, infection, and lung problems.
Even with prompt medical intervention, survival without neurological complications is rare.
When the disease goes undiagnosed and untreated for a long period of time, it may lead to neurological complications.
The authors found that 6.1 percent, or 129, of the participants sustained neurological complications after bypass surgery.