Anything alive and moving under its own power has some sort of neurological activity.
In fact, brain tests performed on patients during hypnotism sessions have shown a high level of neurological activity.
Finally, neuroimaging research has yet to be done to address any neurological activity that may be different in adaptive memory processing compared to normal conditions.
And what about all the neurological activity?
The extra weight of muscle and armour still further reduces the scope of your neurological activities.
"Particularly I find it most strange that your communication symbols do not bear any really close connection with the neurological activity in your brains."
In this way its activity can be controlled and integrated into the whole of my neurological activity.
The break-up of its neurological activity is bound to lead to the most terrifying outbursts - what we might call death throes.
Medical studies suggest that writing by hand enhances neurological activity, and helps children develop fine motor skills.
"We are reading cross-bridge neurological activity," a voice blurted out.