Exercise increases the expression of genes that are required for this rapid neural growth in the brain.
Answer: B. Interacting with your kids, as opposed to sitting passively on the couch, triggers neural growth.
But experiments in directed neural growth using many types of cells continue.
It may be more reasonable to assume that this period of neural growth actually lasts until puberty, which would mean until early teenage years in humans.
Because the young nervous system has a great deal of plasticity, many experts believe that early intervention enriches neural growth.
This neural growth typically lasts few a few days and function and form is retained.
Heparin sulphate is believed to also be present during neural growth as a type of co-factor for axon guidance.
It was also indicated by this increased neural growth to entail antianxiety and antidepressant effects.
I found the new neural growths forming over the old, folded tight just above the structure which is so like a mammalian limbic system.
They act by relieving anxiety symptoms and may stimulate new neural growth within the inner ear, allowing more rapid vestibular compensation to occur.