His company started the networked game 11 years ago.
It was also the first networked game, in which players at different computers could visually interact in a virtual space.
Every night, people come by the dozens to play networked games.
It uses a twin cabinet, which allows for two players to play simultaneous single-player games, or a networked two-player game.
(The same is true for game developers who could use iTV as a vehicle for living room or networked games.)
Torque supported networked games over LAN and the internet with a traditional client-server architecture.
For networked games, there are various technologies in common use.
The latter was one of the first multiplayer networked games linking up to 16 Atari STs via the midi interface.
I'm in a software team project class right now where we're to make a networked game.
Mr. Comair said the entire Digipen campus often became one large networked game.