Example entries for the hosts file, following the above network setup:
I've had a few blurps, hisses, and dead spots during calls here and there, which may be caused by my network setup.
Backtracking a little, a typical network setup for the server segment in an enterprise would be to have:
Simplifies network setup and security authentication with consistent password procedures and button push security configuration.
There are examples for network setup or disk partitioning, that allow to remove many dozen lines from the kickstart file.
Stuff like user management, firewall settings, network setup, disk partitioning, boot loader settings and so on.
Security is a concern in any wireless network setup.
This kind of network setup is now available almost anywhere, even in small towns.
Some wireless hardware products include utility software to help you through the network setup.
It also exposes its homepage, which shows my network setup to the world.