In this network, known as the stationary phase, molecules are no longer free to slide past each other, or to move apart.
Many businesses now build internal networks more commonly known as an intranet.
Now attention is focused on extending the network, known as Allconet, to serve homes and businesses.
One is people like to communicate and be part of the networks, known, heard etc.
Each of the institutions involved donated $35,000 to get the network, known as JesuitNet, started.
Instead, individuals form dispersed social networks, known as core groups, within the community.
Access points broadcast a signal regularly to make the network known to clients.
A separate file-sharing network known as eDonkey uses a similar system.
No sooner was he on-line with a network known as the Source than a query appeared on his screen.
That's because online social networks, also known as social-networking sites, have exploded recently in popularity.