No." He added, "You need to nurture, network in order to build an effective and strong foundation.
The network has built a reputation for independent, ground-breaking reporting that contrasts sharply with other Arab-language television stations.
But he says the network, trying to establish a brand name as the all-comedy channel, must build a reputation for its original work.
Meanwhile, NBC seems intent on insuring that no other network ever builds a strong night of its own.
A new network built on the old network within minutes.
The network built the audience in recent months through reruns of the first season during the summer, when many people saw the show for the first time.
Finally, horizontally organized social networks build trust among people and trust is essential for functioning of democratic institutions.
Jon is building a practice of helping authors and book publishers use private social networks to build tribes online.
A network of transmitters was built, connected at first by cable, and later by microwave radio links.
That network built a fan following that still exists.