Of the three network anchors, you seem to be a lightning rod for personal attacks.
What the network anchors add is a sense of authority that translates to something more than style.
As they have been throughout the crisis, network anchors were respectful.
The campaign's general strategy involved coming out with a network anchor, someone they felt had treated John well on the trail thus far.
The movement of a network anchor from desk to field is itself a signal to viewers that attention must be paid.
A minute earlier, network anchors had come on to tell people what they already knew.
"I need network anchors, and all you give me is an English lesson."
Naturally, when people notice him, they will say there is that famous former network anchor.
Whatever your comfort level with the network anchors, after all, they supply pretty much the same goods.
And, of course, the network anchors were there to certify the event.