I had nettle soup, followed by ravioli of zucchini and pistachio with mint.
Nässelsoppa (nettle soup), made with stinging nettles, and traditionally eaten with hard boiled egg halves, is considered a spring delicacy in Sweden.
We knew we could not return, so for days we hid in the caves on the north side, eating berries and roots and nettle soup.
Until 1947 he worked in forestry, It was a frugal existence, sometimes he was forced to live on nettle soup.
Next week: how to cook nettle soup and perfect pigeon pie!
Nettle tea, simply made by infusing in boiling water, and nettle soup, were also very common.
The Hatarvod Havarod offers dishes such as nettle soup and breast of mallard in grapefruit sauce.
The menu in the 140-seat restaurant is full of unusual offerings like nettle soup ($6.50) and roast loin of rabbit with sweet potato gnocchi ($18.50).
Today, nettle soup is mostly eaten in Scandinavia, Iran, and Eastern Europe, but historically consumption of nettles was more widespread.
A typical Swedish recipe for nettle soup involves first blanching the nettles, after which the nettles are strained from the liquid.