In fact, some corporations have banned PointCast because it was causing huge increases in their net traffic.
It strikes me as rather different from somebody intentionally eavesdropping on their neighbor's net traffic for months and then making the data public.
Moreover, the tariff is classified by net traffic and user needs (Pommer, p. 116ff).
Since not everyone will read everything they order up at no charge, an enormous amount of pointless net traffic is being generated.
"For the first time in 60 years, the net traffic has gone to zero and is probably a little bit negative."
It is the UK's second biggest internet hub and a nerve centre for the North West: almost all of Manchester's net traffic goes through here.
Tactical stuff from satrads, not just the net traffic you'd expect because of the Chinese surprise attack in Burma that had been triggered by Peter's essay.
Signal reconnaissance revealed wideband communication that was more like neural control than local net traffic.
"You should've known that this information was confidential net traffic, and the net is down because--" She nodded, stung.
A report based on analysis of huge amounts of net traffic has revealed the state of the internet around the globe.